Monday, September 21, 2015

Pork Vader and Emperor Porkatine!!! (Insert evil laughter here)

        Hello, readers.  Quantum Bird here.  Last post, I gave you a hint about what this post would be about.  If you guessed "Star Wars," then you are absolutely correct!  I have made Pork Vader and Emperor Porkatine, the ultimate Pork side combo!  I have inserted pictures below.

But the best thing about Pork Vader is that I actually added the burnt up Anakin Skywalker!!!

But before I show you that, let me back up a little.  If you know about Star Wars, then you might know (or remember) that fight on the lava planet where Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker fought against each other.  If you don't, I've inserted a link to a YouTube video below that has that part. There is also another YouTube link that shows Anakin's transformation to Darth Vader.  But I should probably warn you that if you don't like burnt humans, you may just want to skip the links.

The Angry Birds version also has this part, but it's a lot shorter (and a lot less scary).  The comic strip that summarizes the battle and transformation to Darth Vader is below.

As you can see, Anakin Skywalker looked like something you'd see in a fried chicken buffet, so Emperor Porkatine changed him into the cyborg pig that we all now know as Pork Vader!

So what did I do in my model to show this transformation?  Well, I started off with making a fried Anakin Skywalker (note: you may not want to be eating fried chicken while reading this post)

As you can see, I purposely made him look like a piece of fried chicken.  Next, I made the bottom part of the Pork Vader suit.

This part has Pork Vader's metallic pig nostril and the pipes that feed stuff into it, as well as the black body.

Finally, I created the symbolic red-eyed Pork Vader helmet.

So now we have the three basic parts of Pork Vader: the fried Anakin, the body, and the helmet.  So how do we fit it all together?

First, you put the fried Anakin into the body; it fits perfectly!

Lastly, you put the helmet on top of fried Anakin's head.  Yup, it's that simple!

Compared to Pork Vader, Emperor Porkatine is pretty boring, but that's actually pretty fitting, since Pork Vader overthrows Emperor Porkatine in the end (spoiler).  Plus, the presence of Emperor Porkatine allows me to recreate the famous transition from Anakin Skywalker to Pork Vader!


"He's still alive!  I must get him out of here quickly!!!"

"Time to get out of here!"

"Ha ha!!! The suit!"

"Easy, easy..."


I hope that you enjoyed seeing Pork Vader and Emeror Porkatine!  That's all for now!  This is Quantum Bird, signing off!

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Rest of the Flock!

        Hello!  Quantum Bird here.  Last post, I showed you all of the pigs that I made, so now, I shall show you the other birds that I made!

Say hello, to Chuck, the Blues, Bomb, Matilda, Bubbles, and Terence!

Terence can even light up!

That's all for now, but next post, I'll have a really exciting model to show you (Hint: WARS between STARs)!  This is Quantum Bird, signing off!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Pigs!!!

        Hello, readers!  Today, I have decided to show you the rest of the pigs that I made.  You've already seen my minion pig, but what about the others pigs, like the corporal pig?  Well, I have made one, and posted a picture of him below.

But the corporal pig shouldn't just be yelling at one pig... He should be in charge of pigs!!!  And on that note, I have posted a picture of my second minion pig with my first minion pig below.

As you can see, the second pig is a lot smaller than my first one. Since pigs vary in size in the actual game, I thought that I might show that in my models.

So what other types of pigs are there?  The foreman and king pigs!!!  Their pictures are below.

So now we have a lot of pigs.  What now?  The king pig is probably going to want some eggs, and Red isn't going to be able to stop all those pigs on his own...  Let's hope he gets some backup!!!  This is Quantum Bird, signing off!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Red vs. Minion Pig Pt. 2

        Hello again, readers!  Quantum Bird here.  Since I left you on a cliffhanger last post, I'll cut right to the chase!  If you haven't seen the last post, you'll want to take a look at that, because the story starts there.

So since the pig now is in a fortress to hide in, Red's gonna need a slingshot to smash through the fortress's defenses.  Good thing I made one!

The slingshot actually works!  In fact, I have expressed the rest of the story in the video below!  Enjoy!

And with a black eye and a bruised body, the pig stumbles back to the piggy village, and Red rescues the eggs!  Hooray!

I hoped that you liked my models and story!  This certainly isn't the end, though, as I have many more awesome Angry Birds stuff to show you all!  Please comment below, and tell me what you think!  This is Quantum Bird, signing off!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Red vs. Minion Pig Pt. 1

        Hello again, readers!  Today, I've decided to first show you my model of the first original angry bird, Red!

Considering that this is the first bird that I made, I don't think it's too bad.  He has the main characteristics of an angry bird, and even looks angry!  But what is he angry about?  Hmmm... Maybe it's because I also made a pig!

Pretty cool for a pig, right?  Doesn't he just look conniving and hungry for some eggs?  Wait a minute, where are the eggs?!  Don't worry, I made some eggs as well!

So now that we've got all the main stuff for Angry Birds, let's see what happens!

"Nothing like taking care of the eggs!"

"Hey!  That pig is stealing the eggs!!!  Stop him!"

But hold on, where's the pig headed?  It's not like he has the materials to make a fortress or anything... Oh wait, he does have the materials to make a fortress!

These blocks include two ice columns, a stone base, a stone block, a wooden beam, and a wooden block-- all the necessities needed in order to protect stolen eggs!  Now you just need a piggy to build the fortress!

All right!  The fortress has been built, but what's next?  Will Red be able to defeat the pig and get back the eggs, or will the pig have some nice sunny-side-up eggs with his pancakes?  Tune in for the next post soon!  This is Quantum Bird, signing off!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Welcome to my Blog!

        Hello!  This is Quantum Bird, and I like to make Angry Birds for a hobby.  This first post is just a "hello world" post to all of you readers, but the next ones will showcase each of my angry birds creations.  If you are a fan of angry birds like I am, then you might  like what I have to show you in future posts.  I hope that you'll like my creations, and enjoy this blog as much as I am writing it!

This is Quantum Bird, signing off!